When Revd Elizabeth Foot was given 50 copies of ‘In2 the Bible’ as part of the Bishop’s Lent Challenge, she was surprised to discover, very quickly, that she would need […]
When you’re very ill, a Bible, as much as it is loved, can seem very heavy. That can be physically and emotionally. In2 the Bible is a resource that has […]
Children at Breage Church of England VA Primary School loved the idea of NOT giving up chocolate or sweets during Lent and instead decided to help each other to read […]
Children at St Maddern’s Church of England Primary School in Penzance have taken up the Bishop’s Challenge and are getting In2 the Bible. What better way to read the Bible […]
Bible readings have been taking place in a St Agnes bar as part of the Bishop’s Lent Challenge for 2017. This year’s ‘In2 the Bible’ challenge asks people to read […]