Mission Organisations
Would you like to explore ways of establishing a link in your church? Below is a list of organisations with which you may be able to establish a link. They all work in different ways and have different resources available with which you and your church can engage. Please note that this list is not exhaustive. We will add to this list as we discover more. If you need further help or guidance, please contact the International Links committee.
Christian Aid
Christian Aid exists to create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty.
Everyone is equal in the sight of God.
For over 75 years, this truth has inspired us to stand together in solidarity with our most marginalised global neighbours. Poverty is an outrage against humanity. It robs people of their dignity and lets injustice thrive. But together we have the power to transform lives. For over 75 years, we’ve been standing with the poorest of our neighbours. We work in 37 countries, with people of all faiths and none, to stand up for dignity, equality and justice.
Together we can create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty. Our voices and actions are stronger together. And with your help, we can make an even bigger difference.
We believe we can achieve even more when we team up with others, and so work alongside partners, donors and organisations to fight poverty and injustice. As the official relief, development and advocacy agency of 41 sponsoring denominations in Britain and Ireland, we work as part of a worldwide church community. We carry out our relief, development and advocacy work through more than 500 local organisations, which are close to the people and communities we seek to help and so best understand their needs.
We invite you to join with us to pray, act and give to help us fight poverty and injustice around the world, offering hope to millions.
Learn more here.
Church Mission Society (CMS)
Our vision is to see all God’s people engaged in God’s mission, bringing challenge, change, hope and freedom to the world.
We believe that all of God’s people are called to join in God’s mission – whether that means going overseas or over the road – and we work to set people free to put this call into action. There are many ways your church can get involved, including supporting a mission partner as a link church, inviting a speaker to your church or joining us in prayer for our mission partners around the world.
For more information about the work of CMS, you will find stories and resources on our website.
If you have questions about linking with a mission partner, do feel free to contact us any time at churchrelations@churchmissionsociety.org
Releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name
Compassion is a leading Christian children’s charity. At our heart is a relentless passion to act on our compassion and empower every child left vulnerable by poverty. Our approach to fighting poverty is highly focused and personal. Since 1952, we’ve been giving children the opportunity to escape the suffering and fear poverty brings through our one-to-one child sponsorship model. We’re with you in believing every child matters and deserves to be safe, fed, educated and empowered. Our local church partners ensure our support reaches the children who need it most. Our heart is to serve you as you bring the hope of Jesus to your local and international neighbour. We’d love to equip your church with fantastic resources, take time to listen and get to know you and respond by enabling your congregation to get involved in mission together.
For more information on the work of compassion and how your church can get involved visit our website.
Crosslinks exists to help people get involved in God’s mission. We believe every Christian has a part to play in God’s plan for the world.
In five continents and over 30 countries, Crosslinks has long-term mission partners, short-term volunteers and gospel-based projects. All Crosslinks people and projects are involved in frontline evangelism or training pastor teachers. In the world today, billions of people are living without Christ as their saviour. God has chosen to use his followers to help do something about this. Crosslinks wants to make it possible for every Christian to get involved with this mission.
Find out more on our website, and for more information about how your church can get involved visit our church partnerships page.
Five Talents
Transforming lives through economic empowerment.
Supporting people who have been marginalised to set up small businesses by providing business training to savings and loan microfinance Groups: We are the Anglican Church’s microfinance charity, founded as a Christian response to global poverty. The church continues to play a vital role in the communities in which we work and is often the primary, or indeed only, trusted organisation in many communities that have been marginalised.
To find out how your church can get involved click here.
Latin Link
Partnering with churches to share the love and hope of Jesus in Latin America and Europe.
Latin Link works in partnership with churches to send and receive individuals, families and teams, to or from Latin American communities, to share the love of God. Serving and working with churches is central to the life of Latin Link. Churches across the UK can work with us in a variety of ways such as sending a short term STEP team; hosting a Latin American mission worker to expand local mission capacity; supporting a frontline mission worker and church project through prayer, giving and online gatherings. We produce easy to use mission related children and youth ministry resources for use online or in person meetings. We have a team of mobilisers who are available as a resource to speak, visit, and support churches to explore global mission opportunities.
Your South West contact is Esther Stansfield. Call her on 0780 3253355 or email esthers@latinlink.org.uk
MAF UK (Mission Aviation Fellowship)
We are flying for life – to see isolated people changed by the love of Christ
MAF is committed to connecting people all over the world with the love of Christ. Start your own journey of discovery here. If you and your Church/house group/ society would like to connect first-hand with the lifechanging work that MAF does, we’d encourage you to request a speaker, whether virtually or in person when circumstances allow, click here. For any other enquiries or for a conversation about the above please do contact Nathan at Nathan.taylor@maf-uk.org
OM (Operation Mobilisation)
Live out God’s Love at home, at work and around the world
Joining in with God’s mission means the pressure is off. It’s His mission, not ours. He saves, not us. As He invites us to partner with Him in what He’s already doing, it doesn’t just bring transformation to those around us. It happens to us too. This is what OM is about. We want to see you grow in your relationship with God, and step out to have an impact in His world. We’re about seeing people experience the radical, sacrificial, unconditional love we see at the cross – whether they’re in Birmingham or Buenos Aires. We believe everyone should have this chance at least once.
For more information about OM both locally and Internationally go to our website.
Get specific information on how we partner with local churches or send an email to partner.uk@om.org We have a wide range of resources available to help churches including children’s material and videos, prayer resources and much more to help your church develop their missions vision.
OMF International
Heart For Asia. Hope For Billions.
OMF began 156 years ago in China by James Hudson Taylor. Today we work in numerous countries in East Asia, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in all its fullness with the people of East Asia. Our website has more information about who we are and what we do, as well as stories about folk and their experiences with OMF.
Open Doors
Helping persecuted Christians continue to courageously follow Jesus
Every day, millions of Christians risk their lives to follow Jesus. In more than 60 countries, Open Doors supports them by supplying Bibles, providing emergency relief and helping persecuted believers stand strong for the long-term. In the UK and Ireland, Open Doors helps the church to pray, give and speak out for those who share our faith but not our freedom.
For more information about who we are and how to contact us please visit our website.
We also have some great resources for churches. We also have printed resources available for those who may be interested in knowing more about our ministry and the persecuted church.
Bringing joy to the Middle East and North Africa.
Conflict. Poverty. Persecution. This is what comes to mind when most of us think about the Middle East and North Africa. But there is another story being told! A story of faith strengthened, love shown and joy brought – to millions across the region.
Through powerful, faith-filled television programmes and digital media, SAT-7 is bringing joy straight into the heart of the family home. Based mainly in the Middle East, SAT-7 broadcasts in three languages, Arabic, Farsi and Turkish, and our viewer support teams respond to hundreds of people who contact us every week.
Our Vision is to see a growing Church in the region, confident in Christian faith and witness, serving the community and contributing to the good of society and culture.
Find out more here.
No one without shelter after disaster
ShelterBox is a global community with a shared purpose – no one without shelter after disaster. We provide emergency shelter and aid essentials at times of disaster, conflict and climate crisis, enabling people to survive and recover.
Visit their website here.
Contact: community@shelterbox.org
SIM UK (Serving in Mission)
Making disciples where Christ is least known
If you’d like to learn more about SIM UK, get in touch via our website.
You’ll find lots of free resources there, including our International Prayer Guide for unreached communities worldwide, our magazines containing stories of God at work, info about specific Intercultural Training workshops and updates from our mission partners. We also have a SIM Kids section dedicated to families and children.
Talk to us at info@sim.co.uk or 01223 788288 if you’d prefer to receive our resources by post.
following Jesus where the need is greatest
Tearfund is a Christian charity that partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. We tackle poverty through sustainable development, responding to disasters, and challenging injustice. We believe an end to extreme poverty is possible. Working through the local church we empower people to lift themselves out of poverty and transform their communities. To find out how your church can get involved head to the website at www.tearfund.org or email our church partnerships team at partnerships@tearfund.org.
Transforming Europe Network (TEN)
Connected in Mission: TEN exists to co-work with Christians in their vision to share the gospel and see lives transformed through compassion, evangelism and church planting in Eastern Europe.
Transform Europe Network co-works with Christians in Southeastern Europe to share the gospel and see lives transformed. TEN currently works in 10 countries supporting around 60 churches and projects. We have seen encouraging growth in welcoming new leaders to the network over the last couple of years. We do this through empowering, equipping, resourcing, and supporting our partners in their ministries to show and share the gospel of Jesus Christ and to empower partners for church planting and discipleship that enables the growth of followers of Christ. TEN encourages a whole person approach to sharing the good news of Jesus.
This work is rooted in relationships and delivered in practice through; support funding, creating links between UK and Eastern European churches, facilitating the sending of short-term teams, prayer support, coaching, training and networking partners across the region.
Find out more at www.ten-uk.org. Feel free to get in touch with Melanie at the TEN office: melanie.griffiths@ten-uk.org
The Mercy Rescue Trust 
Rescuing abandoned babies and finding forever families in Kenya
Since 2007 we have been rescuing abandoned babies in the Kitale area of Kenya, nurturing them back to health and then ensuring they find a family to care for them within Kenya. We monitor their progress long term and sometimes we help fund their education needs too. We have rescued over 400 babies to date and our eldest are now nearly 18 years old. We also give long term care to children we are unable to find foster families and who have disabilities. The centre in Kitale supports about 17 staff members and their families. Starting as a charity in Grampound, Cornwall, the motivation for all the trustees and the manager in Kitale is faith based. We are supported by a couple of churches but are always keen to link with others. Visit our website here: https://www.mercyrescue.co.uk/
UFM Worldwide (unevangelised fields mission)
UFM worldwide exists to support churches in making disciples of all nations.
Since 1931 we’ve had the privilege of helping churches to identify, train, send and support workers for cross-cultural mission.
We currently serve about 200 mission partners in 35 countries, sent by 90 gospel-hearted churches.
UFM workers are committed to making disciples of all nations, taking the gospel to the least reached, and supporting under-resourced churches around the world.
Please be in touch anytime – we’d love to help you and your church with your world mission involvement.
USPG (United Society Partners in the Gospel)
To partner churches across the Anglican Communion in rethinking mission, energising church and community and championing justice.
Welcome to USPG – United Society Partners in the Gospel. Founded in 1701, we are the Anglican mission agency that partners churches and communities worldwide in God’s mission to enliven faith, strengthen relationships, unlock potential and champion justice.
Find out more about the work of USPG and how your church can support our partners in mission around the world, by visiting our website.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Our vision is a world where everyone can know Jesus through the Bible
We serve local partners worldwide as they bring God’s word to their communities in the language which speaks to them best. 1 in 5 people are still waiting. 1.5 billion people worldwide still don’t have a Bible in their language. For over 60 years, we’ve been pioneering and innovating, working alongside communities around the world, and training local people to translate the Bible.
Currently we have over 360 people from the UK and Ireland serving over 470 million people speaking over 350 languages in over 70 countries. We do this by partnering with local churches and communities, working alongside them to make it possible for all peoples to discover the Bible for themselves in their own language. Dependent on God, backed by your financial and prayer support, specially trained personnel seek to make God’s word available to all.
Find out how you can get involved HERE
Yezidi Emergency Support (Y.E.S.)
Supporting vulnerable Yezidis
Yezidi Emergency Support ( Y.E.S) is dedicated to actively helping on the ground Yezidis in Iraq particularly survivors of ISIS captivity in need by providing aid, healthcare and education to improve their living situation and to alleviate their suffering with the help of volunteers and the generosity of donors and partners. Due to the 2014 massacre or capture of so many Yezidis by ISIS, there are as many as 4,000 children who’ve lost one or more parents. Still today there are children returning from captivity to find their parents have been killed. They live in the camps of Kurdistan or Sinjar with any relatives who are willing to look after them. Their living conditions are often shocking, with some not even having a sleeping mat, and many who live on the mountain without coats and shoes. The winter is freezing, especially in Sinjar where the tents or unfinished buildings are frequently covered in snow. We aim to provide as many children as possible with education as well as warm clothes in the harsh winters, with shoes that fit, with at least a toy with which they can call their own and with educational equipment which is vital for their schooling. We are able to buy everything they need in Iraq which supports the local economy also. We can do an awful lot with little money as we are volunteers and all money goes directly to those most in need. Please see our website for more information via this link www.yezidiemergencysupport.org
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