Statistics for Mission & ROPF

Your parish’s annual Statistics and Finance returns is important information.
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Why are they important?
Your parish’s attendance information and your financial return gives a window into your parish’s health. Your returns are vital for planning for our shared mission and ministry and robust data is essential if the Bishop’s Diocesan Council and deaneries are to make good decisions about how the church uses its resources.
But, what’s in it for parishes?
Each local church sets its own plans for mission and growth. The data from your returns is turned into a parish dashboard which helps you to understand your local context and tells stories you might otherwise have missed. We know that sometimes when you are working so hard to sustain and grow your church that it can be hard to see the wood for the trees, this data helps you map your wood and know more about your trees!
Good statistics are a powerful weapon in the mission and ministry armoury of local parishes, dioceses and the national church. Not for nothing do we call them Statistics for Mission!
When discerning where God is leading you, it is often helpful to look at recent progress and performance
When starting a transition and advertising for a new priest it is essential to know present meaningful statistical and financial information.