Parish Safeguarding Dashboard & Hub

The Diocese of Truro encourages parishes to adopt the Dashboard and Hub to measure and be able to evidence its compliance with National Safeguarding Requirements and Progress against the National Standards.

The Parish Safeguarding Dashboard and Hub makes it easier for our churches to manage their safeguarding requirements. It is free for parishes to register, update, and receive action plans on demand.

The Dashboards and Hub also enable the diocesan safeguarding team and senior clergy to ensure each parish is up-to-date with its safeguarding administration and offer support to those who may be struggling.

The advantages for parishes are illustrated in a short video and/or brochure which can be found on the safeguarding dashboards website.

For parishes not already using the dashboard we will be sending further invites. If you haven’t received an invite or your invite has expired and you would like a new one, contact the safeguarding team on


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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.