
Having decided to spend your lives together, the next big question is how to reflect that momentous decision on your wedding day. Churches offer outstanding beauty. Old or new, intimate or grand, our churches are some of the nation’s most stunning wedding venues.

Photo: Josh Applegate, Unsplash

Cornish Church Weddings

We are delighted you are considering celebrating your marriage in one of our 307 beautiful churches and will do all we can to make your day happy and memorable.

There is something in a public commitment of this magnitude that has a spiritual element to it and which can transform a relationship to a new and deeper level.

As you look forward to your wedding it is important to spend time as a couple talking through your expectations of marriage. However much you think you have in common, you are still two separate individuals.

“A wedding is one day, a marriage is a lifetime”

In the marriage ceremony, a couple makes a public declaration of lifelong commitment to love each other. A commitment, by its nature, is a challenge. It will be tough at times but we are here to help you. Ask your vicar about our Marriage Preparation courses.

Types of church wedding in Cornwall


The wedding service is the most important part of the day. It affects your whole life together and is an important stage in your journey onwards. During the service you will make solemn promises witnessed by your friends and family.


If you have had a civil wedding, whether in the UK or abroad, or one or both are remarrying after divorce, you may wish to dedicate your marriage in church with a Blessing. It is a simple service. Because it is not a marriage service, banns are not required, there is no exchange of rings and there is no signing of the Register.

Marrying after divorce

While we would wish you a lifetime of love, we understand that sadly, some marriages do fail. The Church of England accepts that a divorced person may marry again and there may be a way forward for you to remarry in a church. In the first instance contact the vicar. Most will want to talk about your past and hopes for the future.

Planning your Cornish church wedding

Your first port of call should be the local vicar who will be able to provide you with information on getting married in church from banns and licences to photographs, rehearsals, readings, music and confetti. We will involve you in the planning of your marriage service as much as possible with choices of readings and music available.


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our diocese life.