Every day faith

Being a Christian is about far more than an hour sitting in church on a Sunday morning.

Being a Christian is who I am, not what I do. I am a Christian when I am at work. I am a Christian when I am doing my weekly shop. I am a Christian when I run. I am a Christian when I am sat in the pub with my friends watching football.

Being a Christian is every day faith.

Since 2017 the Church of England has undertaken a concerted effort to adapt and change our culture of ‘doing church’ in order to release fresh imagination and energy for ‘being church’. Called Setting God’s People Free, this collective action aims to enable the whole people of God to live out the Good News of Jesus confidently in the whole of life, Sunday to Saturday. Across the country, hundreds of church communities have been trying out various ways to achieve this shift, focusing on what makes a real difference in supporting an everyday faith, every day.

The Diocese of Truro began our involvement with Setting God’s People Free in March 2020. A small team went to Bristol the week before lockdown and were introduced to #EverydayFaith stories and This Time Tomorrow (TTT) as a way of encouraging us all to focus on how our faith makes a very real difference to our everyday lives.

We would love lots of people to have these short conversations and share them with us. Either set up a Zoom meeting with someone. Hit the record button, ask the four questions and then send the recording to hello@truro.anglican.org OR if you’re not confident with using Zoom, please email us and we will get in touch to help.

Once we receive the recordings we will put them into the #EverydayFaith format and add them to the diocesan YouTube channel and Facebook page.

We want lots more encouraging stories from people of all ages, all backgrounds. We would love to hear from people folk who have retired, from folk who stay home to look after children or care for elderly relatives. This is about everyone’s everyday lives – not just those who are employed. So how about someone who volunteers for a local charity? Or cares for their grandkids? Or spends time on their own? What difference does your faith make?

Watch our videos of every day faith here. You can share your own every day faith videos on twitter using the hashtag #everydayfaith

For more information on every day faith and Setting God’s People Free click here.


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.