Transforming Mission

Through Transforming Mission (TM) we are developing a model for the renewal of Anglican Church life across our communities. Having reached a mature stage of fruitful development, this programme is joining the broader mission and ministry of deaneries.
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What is Transforming Mission?
Transforming Mission is an exciting programme that is reaching out to the missing generations across Cornwall. Having begun in Falmouth, it has expanded to work across other areas of Cornwall including Camborne, Truro, St Austell and Liskeard.
The vision is to create thriving church communities that welcome and support people whatever their stage of life, whatever their background and whatever their previous experience of church.
Green shoots of renewal
Transforming Mission is enabling church communities to grow beyond their own walls to proclaim their faith, serve their communities and support growth in discipleship, evangelism and community-building.
Through prayer, patience and good listening, we have seen green shoots of renewal. Churches at the heart of our Cornish towns are becoming better equipped, growing in faith and through creative and innovative strategies, are attracting those missing generations.
Growing leaders
Churches are working with each other and with ecumenical partners, helping to grow the next generations of leaders, both lay and ordained. Resources are being developed, adapted and shared beyond the towns and into the rural communities.
How is Transforming Mission funded and why?
The Transforming Mission journey has been generously funded by the Church Commissioners who have been encouraged enough to continue their support until mid-2026, as deanery plans implement strategies for these programmes to become self-sustaining.
The Church Commissioners chose to invest in our plans because the landscape in Cornwall has been one of declining attendance, particularly among the younger generations. The need to think of church in different ways and to develop innovative patterns of ministry has become essential to support congregations overwhelmed by financial and practical demands, to work with the most vulnerable in our communities, and to re-engage younger people in the life of our faith communities. The pandemic and cost-of-living crisis have only intensified that need.
Rooted in the joy and hope of the Resurrection
Transforming Mission is rooted in the joy and hope of the Resurrection. We are so grateful to be involved in a programme that reflects the love of a God who is ‘always making all things new’ and a promise from Him that He will grow His church.
How you can help
Your ongoing support is key. It would be great if you could join us in prayer for these missions, and, if you are interested, please contact them directly to see how you might support their work.