Creation Care Workshops

The Creation Care Resources are a set of resources designed for churches that wish to engage with their local schools. Many churches and churchyards provide an amazing resource for young people to experience the wonder of nature and learn about the world around them.


The Cornwall Agreed Syllabus for RE contains objectives for all age groups regarding what Christians believe about creation and the responsibility of humans in caring for it. This is an objective that congregations can assist teachers in explaining.

The main resource is a lesson plan which shares the creation story with children and invites discussion. There are also a set of suggestions for fun, practical activities (including indoor activities) that are simple to organise. The materials tick boxes on both the RE and Science curricula for Lower KS2 (Y3 and 4) but can be adapted to fit the needs of both church and school.

Churches who would like advice in setting up a workshop, or contacting a school are welcome to contact the Schools’ Creation Care Officer.

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.