


Joyful celebrations of our Remarkable Readers

Readers from across the diocese came together last Saturday to celebrate and mark their ministry in Truro Cathedral. As Bishop Philip said, they represented remarkable commitment, remarkable dedication and remarkable […]

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Faith and Mental Health in Cornwall

On Saturday, people gathered from across Cornwall to find out more about the relationship between faith and mental health. Mental health, or mental ill health, has been with us forever, […]

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Celebrating the calling to become a Reader

The annual Reader service takes place at Truro Cathedral on Saturday, October 12 and among those being licensed will be Debbie Harris from St Ives. It’s been quite a big […]

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A Safe Space for students offering sanctuary and hot buttered toast

Many of us dropping off our young people in strange new university towns, quietly weeping on the way home as they dive headlong into Freshers’ Week, yearn for a safe […]

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Revd Mary West, the vicar who promised to leave church if women were ever ordained

“If ever I walk into this church and see a woman behind the altar I shall walk out again!” Words spoken, probably loudly, by Revd Mary West to her long-suffering […]

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Niggles not mountains in women’s ministry today

Revd Becca Bell, priest in charge of six churches in Southeast Cornwall, firmly believes that women’s ministry has come a very long way in 25 years, but that there’s still […]

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Revd Canon Tony Neal celebrates 50 years since an ordination that almost didn’t happen

Revd Canon Tony Neal will have been ordained 50 years ago on September 21st, beginning his ministry in Ripon and working as a parish priest, teacher, mentor, hospital chaplain and […]

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Opening doors, hearts and kitchens to the homeless

Homelessness, being disadvantaged, living on the margins. However you choose to describe the life circumstances of too many of our neighbours, it doesn’t change the reality of what it is. […]

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Women’s Ministry via The Sound of Music, the Vicar of Dibley and Revd Jane Vaughan-Wilson

Although entertained by one ordinand’s declaration that she didn’t want to be a nun after seeing The Sound of Music, Truro Diocesan Director of Ordinands, Rev Canon Jane Vaughan-Wilson, didn’t […]

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Grenfell Street sign celebrates solidarity of two communities 300 miles apart

It wasn’t just the sun that was shining in Mousehole last Thursday as a very special Grenfell Street sign was unveiled. Love, community connections and compassion shone across this picturesque […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.