


Thy Kingdom Come and Breage C of E Primary School Blessing

Bless to me the moon above my head. Bless to me the earth on which I tread. Bless to me my family, friends and all. May I a blessing to […]

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Thy Kingdom Come

For the start of Thy Kingdom Come, Bishop Tim shares a prayer by Ted Loder, “It’s one I find very helpful as it uses language in a direct way. Some […]

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Thy Kingdom Come – what’s going on

With just two days to go, there is so much prayer planned around Cornwall for Thy Kingdom Come – from prayer stations to cabins, walks to labyrinths, here is a […]

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The Holy Land without any Christians? Friends of the Holy Land at the synod

Bishop Tim, during synod, challenged us to imagine the Holy Land without Christians. The place where Jesus was born, died and resurrected – without any Christians left? After listening to […]

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Thy Kingdom Come and the power of prayer

Thy Kingdom Come is a plea from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, to encourage everyone to pray during the time between Pentecost and Ascension for a family member, friend […]

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Bishop Johan dances with joy at St Meriadoc Junior School

It’s not every day you see a Bishop dancing and singing along to Jungle Book’s “The Bear Necessities of Life,” in Swedish. But it’s not every day that Johan Dalman, […]

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How can we release people to live in the confidence of knowing God’s love?

That was a question posed by Simon Cade, who is director of education and discipleship, to the members of the diocesan synod. But that wasn’t his first question. That was to […]

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Dying Matters – for all of us

In this Dying Matters Awareness Week, we’re taking a closer look at what is, generally, a subject none of us like to talk about. Dying Matters is a coalition that […]

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In2 the Bible – the greatest gift you can give this Easter

With Easter upon us the greatest gift we can give each other is hope in the believe in Jesus’ promise to be be with us, “…always, to the very end […]

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Pilgrimages are in the zeitgeist – it’s official

The Right Revd Chris Goldsmith, Bishop of St Germans is, at the moment of writing, not just completing the Cornish Celtic Way designed by Revd Nigel Marns, but is helping to […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.