


A Prayer for Education Sunday

Heavenly Father, they say it takes a village to raise a child, It also takes a village to educate one. We give thanks for teachers, governors, carers, parents and children, […]

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Treasure discovered during lockdown

As Revd Canon Vanda Perret says in one of her recent blogs, one constant throughout the history of church life and the way people worship, is that it is always […]

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Praying, running, cycling…for a Prayer Hut at St Luke’s

For a church that has no building, the community at St Luke’s Boscoppa have enviable energy and enthusiasm. You only need to have a look at their Facebook page to […]

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Climate Sunday – churches together for Climate Change

There is much talk about the three pandemics raging around us: Covid-19, racism and climate change. Covid-19 came upon us very quickly and is impossible to ignore. Racism, too often […]

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Virtual Flower Festival at St Swithin’s

A spirit of fortitude reigns in St Swithin’s, Launcells, as they determined the restrictions of this pandemic were not going to get in the way of their annual Flower Festival. […]

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Wait, pray, love as a school chaplain even during lockdown

Emma Antoniou is a school chaplain at Bishop Bronescombe C of E School, and would have loved to have leapt into the role but instead spent a good few years […]

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International mission links beyond our small Cornish corners

Now, perhaps more than ever, we need to embed in our hearts that we are a Christian community that, in its entirety, is huge, fantastically diverse and global. As the […]

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Lament for the Windrush generation and call to action

Windrush Day is on Monday, June 22nd, and marks the 72nd anniversary of the arrival of The Empire Windrush to the Tilbury Docks in east London. It will be a […]

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Cornwall standing in solidarity with sister community of Grenfell

It will be three years on Sunday, June 14th, that the Grenfell Tower Fire took the lives of 72 people. It comes at a time that will be especially hard […]

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School children looking to the rainbow

School children at Quethiock C of E primary school have been working together, from home, to put together this lovely film of them all singing ‘Looking to the Rainbow’. “Locked […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.