


Cooking up a storm with a wooden spoon nativity play

Hope rises from the stress of this pandemic and its lockdowns in the shape of wooden spoons. Four years ago, Margaret Stevens wrote an ambitious nativity play in rhyming couplets. […]

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Have you heard the call to chaplaincy?

Have you ever thought about becoming a chaplain? Are you a good listener? Do you have a heart for meeting people where they are, no matter how difficult that place […]

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Behind the Facebook smiles of our children and teachers

We’re used to seeing the beautiful faces of our young children across our schools in Cornwall. Joyful, trusting and, we hope, nurtured and cared for. But what has it really […]

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The loneliness of living with dementia during lockdown

These are the lockdown stories of three women, Jan, Pam and Jenny, from across Cornwall and their loved ones, suffering from dementia. For people living with dementia in care homes, […]

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Holy Trinity, a pub and an extraordinary gift day

Many churches want to reach out into the community, but not too many choose to do so by buying a pub. Holy Trinity in St Austell has done exactly that. […]

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Our children are unhappy – what can we do about it?

Our children are unhappy. They are fearful of failure, struggle to make friends and are pressured by school, according to The Children’s Society Good Childhood report released at the end […]

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Why did Revd Dr Jonathan Rowe choose ordination?

One of the key questions to ask Revd Dr Jonathan Rowe is why on earth would he want to take on more in his life to become a self-supporting curate? […]

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Ordination, another chapter in Patrick Gilbert’s odyssey

For Patrick Gilbert, ordination as deacon on September 25th, 2020, will be another step in an incredible  journey that began years ago when he cried out to God to show […]

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Acceptance, diversity and freedom to fail as ordinands in Truro Diocese

Meeting Revd Claire and Revd Rose Jones felt like throwing open the windows and breathing in fresh, energising air. The couple will be ordained as priests on September 25th at […]

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The high calling of caring for the planet

As Bishop Philip recently said, caring for the planet is a very high calling. Caring for the planet was a calling that George Dow answered from an early age. But […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.