


Paint your worship green: how to bring caring for creation to the heart of your services

Members of the clergy, local worship leaders and readers are being invited to join one of two ‘Greening Worship’ workshops during the month of May. The events will be held […]

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Songs for Earth – the movie!

A film has now been published celebrating the Songs for Earth environmental service that saw more than a hundred Cornish primary school children join with members of the WI, the […]

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Truro Cathedral is packed for environment service

More than 100 primary children, plus their teachers, parents, carers and grandparents, came from across Cornwall to perform at Songs for Earth, an environmental service at Truro Cathedral. The children […]

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Songs for Earth to be held in Truro Cathedral

Pupils of Cornish schools and members of the county youth choir will all perform at a special service in November to celebrate our planet and the children who are fighting […]

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Flower power and green growth in Penzance

Members of the wider Penzance community are being invited to join parishioners of St Mary’s Church on Saturday as they plant wild flowers in the churchyard. The planting is part […]

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Combating climate change with hope and pragmatism

Robin and Mard could be described as Eco-Warriors. They certainly began the fight to protect our planet long before most of us realised it was a vital cause to be […]

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Safeguarding creation is everybody’s duty: Bishop Philip

Cornwall’s aspirations to be in the vanguard of renewable energy in the UK got the thumbs-up from Bishop Philip, this week as he visited the United Downs Deep Geothermal Power […]

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‘Act on climate change’ Bishop of Truro urges General Synod in maiden speech

The Bishop of Truro has made a heartfelt plea for fellow Anglicans to redouble their efforts to care for the planet, and our fellow women and men. Speaking in favour […]

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Climate Change: Bishop calls for ‘net-zero’ commitment

The Church of England’s lead bishop on the environment has said that a report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reveals a ‘critical risk-level’ for global communities. […]

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Cornwall Community Flood Forum Annual Conference

Cornwall Community Flood Forum will be holding its popular annual conference this year on Friday, November 2. Once again we’ve secured an engaging line-up of national and local thinkers currently […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.