


Make your Christmas count for others: Cornish Christmas Giving Catalogue 2019 published

The Cornish Christmas Giving Catalogue 2019 has been published by Cornwall Independent Poverty Forum. The catalogue gives a mechanism for us all to be able to give to one of […]

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Call for Cornish churches to open for day of prayer on October 31

Cornish church leaders have called for a day of prayer on October 31, to mark the day that the UK is due to withdraw from the EU. Announcing the initiative […]

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Bishop Philip thanks our helicopter search and rescue team

Bishop Philip has expressed his gratitude for the hugely skilled, professional and courageous work of the helicopter search and rescue teams, on a visit to their Newquay base. Bishop Philip […]

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Bishop Philip backs call for respect

The Bishop of Truro, the Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen, has urged people to heed calls for debate to be carried out with respect – saying that to do so is […]

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Six go down to the sea

When Revd Anne Brown asked the Bishop of Truro, the Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen, to oversee clergy from Pydar Deanery as they reaffirmed their baptism vows, he was delighted to agree. […]

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New ministry in St Fimbarrus, Fowey

The Bishop of Truro, the Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen, has appointed the Revd Ian Gulland as interim Priest-in-Charge in the benefice of Fowey. Bishop Philip has chosen to appoint Revd […]

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What brings you joy? Considering your vocation

 People who went to Truro Cathedral on Saturday to take part in the diocesan Vocations Day were advised to consider what brings them joy, as they explored how best to follow […]

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2019 Vocations Day: taking the next step

Bishop Chris’s leaving service will be an integral part of this year’s Diocese of Truro Vocations Day in the cathedral on Saturday, September 14 – and it couldn’t be more […]

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Archdeacon of Cornwall welcomed to the diocese

The Venerable Paul Bryer has been installed as the new Archdeacon of Cornwall during a service at Truro Cathedral. Paul was previously Archdeacon of Dorking. After serving a curacy at […]

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Bishop Philip speaks at global conference on religious freedom

Bishop Philip shared a stage with Nancy Pelosi and Tony Blair in Washington DC last week, when he spoke at the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom organised by the US […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.