


Feted green church is feeling flush with a brand new eco-loo

The winner of the Green Building award in the 2017 Church Times Green Church Awards has just commissioned its latest eco-venture – an environmentally friendly loo. The toilet at St […]

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Bishop Philip: ‘Please pray for all affected by this outrage’

The Bishop of Truro has called on churches across the diocese to join together in prayer for all of those affected by the shootings in New Zealand. The Rt Revd […]

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St Piran’s example is one we can all follow

Bishop Philip has exhorted people to follow the lead of St Piran, by both welcoming others in and by venturing forth to serve their local communities. Speaking at the Redruth […]

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Safeguarding creation is everybody’s duty: Bishop Philip

Cornwall’s aspirations to be in the vanguard of renewable energy in the UK got the thumbs-up from Bishop Philip, this week as he visited the United Downs Deep Geothermal Power […]

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‘Act on climate change’ Bishop of Truro urges General Synod in maiden speech

The Bishop of Truro has made a heartfelt plea for fellow Anglicans to redouble their efforts to care for the planet, and our fellow women and men. Speaking in favour […]

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Important changes to Episcopal College: announcement from Bishop Philip

It was my pleasure on joining the diocese to find such a cohesive and effective Episcopal College in place, marked by good, strong and supportive relationships. That’s a great gift […]

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Bishop Philip calls for Christian unity as he is installed in Truro Cathedral

The new Bishop of Truro has called for all denominations to work together  for the good of Cornwall. Preaching at his service of welcome, the Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen suggested […]

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Home for Christmas – a video message from Bishop Philip

The Bishop of Truro, the Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen, has recorded his Christmas message for 2018 on video. We hope you enjoy watching. Happy Christmas!

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Message from Bishop Philip on our bid to expand Transforming Mission

Bishop Philip said: “I am delighted to report that the Church Commissioners have agreed to consider a full bid from us for a further four Transforming Mission initiatives to serve […]

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New Bishop of Truro is consecrated at St Paul’s Cathedral by Archbishop of Canterbury

The new Bishop of Truro, Philip Mounstephen, was consecrated on Friday, November 30 at St Paul’s Cathedral by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Justin Welby. Bishop Philip has […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.