Faith Stories - Our Stories

Gill’s Story

I would like to share with you now an experience that at the time was indeed a sorrow but how the Lord supported my husband Roger and myself and as […]

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Jackie’s Story

In December 2015 after my morning aquafit class, a friend and I were sitting on the pool steps as we usually do, chatting and waiting for the showers to clear. A lady […]

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Sue’s Story

My parents didn’t attend church but my Mum was a Christian. I grew up with no church roots. I met and married Jem when I was 18 years old. He […]

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Simon’s Story

I grew up as a member of a church but when I was 12 and 13 I struggled with everything to do with God, mainly being loved and the fact […]

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Shelley’s Story

I came to faith gradually, beginning as a child at a Church of England primary school, Sunday School, with RAF parents who moved around a great deal who chose their […]

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Sarah’s Story

When I moved to secondary school I became very bored within the long lunch breaks so my friend Louise invited me along to the Christian Union. The Christian Union was […]

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Pauline’s Story

My parents were not church goers but they did have me Christened and made the conscious decision to always send me to Sunday School. So, from age 5, I attended […]

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Lesley’s Story

My Parents were Christians and I was brought up attending church and Sunday school. My faith became real on a personal level when I was a teenager. I was invited […]

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Kelly’s Story

“I think most people know I do not attend church and while I was christened and did attend a Church of England primary school which gave me a very good […]

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Katie’s Story

I came to faith after I finished university in my mid-twenties. My family always attended church with my dad being a side’s man and my mum arranging the flowers, I […]

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