


A lesson in waiting for Thy Kingdom Come

Revd Becca Bell shares for Thy Kingdom Come how, like many of us, she’s not a fan of waiting, but likes things now. Instantly. However, sometimes God let’s us know […]

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Thy Kingdom Come at work

As the video clip says, if every Christian regularly prayed for 5 of their friends to know Jesus, imagine the difference that could make. There is such power in praying […]

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Holding our prayers in our hands

Revd Bridget Macaulay shares one her poems and paintings for Thy Kingdom Come, explaining how our prayers are made up entirely of who we are, how we are made and where […]

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The power of prayer in policing

PC Helen Priestley shares during Thy Kingdom Come how being wrapped in prayer is the greatest protection she can have as a police officer. I’m a serving police officer and […]

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Thy Kingdom Come

For the start of Thy Kingdom Come, Bishop Tim shares a prayer by Ted Loder, “It’s one I find very helpful as it uses language in a direct way. Some […]

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Cubert Church receives Heritage Lottery boost to save the building and share the heritage.

St Cubert church has been awarded a sum of £225,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The grant, along with a number of others, will facilitate a re-roofing of the building […]

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Thy Kingdom Come – what’s going on

With just two days to go, there is so much prayer planned around Cornwall for Thy Kingdom Come – from prayer stations to cabins, walks to labyrinths, here is a […]

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Thy Kingdom Come and the power of prayer

Thy Kingdom Come is a plea from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, to encourage everyone to pray during the time between Pentecost and Ascension for a family member, friend […]

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Learn Theology locally

South West Ministry Training Course and St Mellitus College are both offering a mix of theological courses for the coming academic year. St Mellitus College is being launched in Plymouth […]

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Theatre group bringing the past to life

You only have to walk through any of Cornwall’s old cemeteries to come across graves that hint at intrigue, adventure and the county’s mining heritage, their stories all lost to […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.