


Championing Chaplains in Cornwall

What do you think of when you think of chaplains? Gentle clerics treading apologetically round hospitals, speaking in hushed tones with ever-ready platitudes, tissues and a church invite? Maybe on […]

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Inclusion – isn’t that what Jesus did so well?

Is there a difference between welcoming someone and making someone feel included? And if so, which should come first? These are questions that Revd Dom Whitting asked himself when putting […]

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New Year, new resolutions and new ways to give

In today’s landscape, where people in need of support are even more vulnerable and the pull to give ever more pressing, it seems awkward to talk about giving money to […]

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What part does faith play in food poverty?

Food Poverty is not going away. Since the report 5 years ago, Feeding Britain, and the faith community’s consistent response to food poverty with foodbanks and emergency provisions, there is […]

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Citizens’ Panel investigating housing, homelessness & hidden hunger

“High housing costs, low paid insecure work, eviction and homelessness are all issues that blight local communities in Cornwall, including Penzance. How can we as a community come together to […]

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Cracking Christmas Card Competition

When Bishop Philip put a call out to schools across Cornwall for children to design a Christmas card, he had little idea how enthusiastic the response would be. Over six […]

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The Mystery of the Millennium Yews

Millennium yew cuttings taken from trees at the time of Christ were blessed and sent to Cornwall but where are they today? A recent article in the Church Times about […]

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Remembering D Day and the role that Cornwall played

Cornwall played a very significant role in D Day, the largest invasion by sea in history and the beginning of the end of World War ll. This year, for Remembrance, […]

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The Nourishment of Food for Change

When hearing about Lucy’s new job in a veterinary practice and the many difficulties she’d overcome to get it, it wasn’t immediately obvious how Food for Change could have played […]

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Who knew craft club could lead to Confirmation?

When Joan joined the Crafty Club at St Andrew’s, Redruth, she had no idea it would lead both herself and her husband, David, to Confirmation at Truro Cathedral later this […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.