A cooperative in Bethlehem is making tens of thousands of olive wood crosses for a special edition of the Real Easter Egg this year.

The special edition egg is one of three new designs available, the other two being a sharing box – with 20 smaller eggs and 20 Easter story booklets in the box; and the blue boxed egg, which comes with a 24-page Easter story book and some chunky chocolate buttons.

Out of the 80 million Easter Eggs sold in the UK every year, the Real Easter Egg is the only one which tells the Easter story, gives money to charity and is Fairtrade.

David Marshall, from the Meaningful Chocolate Company, explains: “Each year it’s a struggle to get the Real Easter Egg stocked in large enough quantities by supermarkets. Last year one national retailer ordered 900 eggs for the whole of the UK!

“So we send hundreds of thousands of eggs to churches that collect orders from their members and order directly from us online or through the post.”

Traidcraft and a number of independent retailers are stocking all three eggs. Tesco have the blue boxed egg and special edition; Waitrose and Morrison’s are stocking only the blue boxed egg.

You can check which shops are stocking the eggs or buy them direct by ordering at www.realeasteregg.co.uk  

The TRURO FAIRTRADE HUB at Diocesan House can order the eggs for you too.

Contact either: Rosey Sanders in Reception on 01872 274351 or at rosey.sanders@truro.anglican.org  or Annie Guy in the Cornwall Methodist District Office at districtoffice@btconnect.com or call 01872 320103.



The Real Easter Egg Range

The Original Real Easter Egg has had a complete re-design and now includes a 24-page Easter story book, a 125g Fairtrade milk Chocolate Egg and a 25g pack of organic Fairtrade milk chocolate Chunky Buttons. That’s 20% more chocolate than last year (£3.99 with a donation made to Traidcraft Exchange).

 The Special Edition Real Easter Egg is made of Belgian Fairtrade milk chocolate. It comes with an olive wood holding cross from the Holy Land, a simple Easter message card, a thick 180g chocolate egg and an orange milk chocolate bar 100g. There is a Celtic design on the box with gold foil crosses (£9.99).

 The Sharing Box is designed for services, assemblies and events. There are 20 ‘Christ is Risen’ foiled 6cm midi-milk chocolate eggs (20g) and 20 Easter story booklets in the box. A great giveaway at £1 per person (£19.99).

For further information and to place your orders, visit the Real Easter Egg website.