


A Community Manifesto for Cornwall – what would you include?

We all think we know what would make Cornwall a fairer and more just place to live. Here is your chance to have your say. The Cornwall Independent Poverty Forum […]

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The acute and pressing need for support for our Foodbanks

During this time of crisis when each day carries a weight of grim expectation and time has taken on a mind of its own, there are many across Cornwall who […]

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Help to provide the twelve tools of Christmas!

The Twelve Tools for Christmas campaign from Hidden Help will assist people all over Cornwall who, for whatever reason, have to set up home again having lost everything. Hidden Help […]

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Citizens’ Panel investigating housing, homelessness & hidden hunger

“High housing costs, low paid insecure work, eviction and homelessness are all issues that blight local communities in Cornwall, including Penzance. How can we as a community come together to […]

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Make your Christmas count for others: Cornish Christmas Giving Catalogue 2019 published

The Cornish Christmas Giving Catalogue 2019 has been published by Cornwall Independent Poverty Forum. The catalogue gives a mechanism for us all to be able to give to one of […]

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Transformation Cornwall – does Cornwall need transforming?

Transformation Cornwall…Why would anyone want to transform Cornwall? It’s beautiful isn’t it? With its gorgeous coastlines, picturesque villages and amusing characters – just like in the TV programmes. Sadly, its […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.