


Open the Book brings tranquility in a nursing home

When I heard that an Open the Book team were visiting a nursing home for the elderly in Liskeard, I was intrigued and keen to go along to see for […]

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Opening the book and leading the way

Thanks to an ever-growing band of enthusiastic volunteers, the Diocese of Truro is vying for the top spot nationally with 150 Open the Book teams. There are 233 primary schools […]

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The Shelley-shaped holes she will leave behind after retirement

Shelley Porter has been with Truro Diocese since 2001 and when she announced her intention to retire, there was a ripple of disbelief. Shelley is so involved in so many […]

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The wonder of story-telling

It’s National Storytelling Week (January 27th – February 3rd) so what better time to shine a light on the greatest story of them all. It’s said that everyone has a […]

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Dwindling, aging congregations? How very dare he!

“Optimism is a precondition for any job in the Church of England. But the overwhelming impression is of dwindling, ageing congregations: homely, well-mannered and kindly folk increasingly out of joint […]

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Many turn out to consider their calling from God

Around 50 people attended the presentations and group sessions at this year’s Vocations Day inTruro Cathedral, with more popping in to browse. Director of Ministry for the Diocese of Truro, […]

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Polruan Reader returns to her roots in church youth work

As I sat down to enjoy a cup of tea in the sunshine with Kathryn Hill outside her cottage on the main street in Polruan, it is clear how involved […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.