Faith Stories - Cross of St Piran

Cross of St Piran 2017: John Birkin
“Take me when you want me Lord, but I’m in no hurry!” John is a man with a heart for community. It reaches from the homeless on our streets, […]

Cross of St Piran 2017: Rowley Surridge
It will be hard to give Rowley this award because of his dogged insistence that it’s not about him, but the committed, generous-hearted, hard-working volunteers who, behind the scenes, stand […]

Cross of St Piran 2017: Tony & Joyce Davis
Tony and Joyce epitomise the truth that three strands are stronger than two – with God as the third strand binding them together, they are an extremely effective team. […]

Cross of St Piran 2017: Anne Pengelly
Anne is as vibrant and vivacious as the Cathedral vestments she’s designed and made over the past 30 or so years. From the Chasuble to the Dalmatic, the Tunicle to […]

Cross of St Piran 2017: Joy Hine
“I feel embarrassed – honoured, but embarrassed to have this award. So many other people work hard, I just do what has to be done.” When Joy and her […]

Cross of St Piran 2017: Mark Lees
Family is at the heart of all Mark Lees does – from the family of schools he leads, to the Christian family values he promotes within them. Mark Lees, […]

Cross of St Piran 2017: Kevin Grant
When Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love your God with all your heart and soul and the next is to love your neighbour, Kevin knew He wasn’t kidding. […]

Cross of St Piran 2017: Jean Pidgen
“The market is like a family – just watch out if it’s your birthday, we like to make a fuss!” Jean and her beloved late husband Michael started a […]

Cross of St Piran 2017: Evelyn Reed
“God’s always there, at my shoulder. I might want to hang back, sit on my hands, but He’s always pushing me on and I find my hand has gone up!” […]

Cross of St Piran 2017: Betty Hodges
“The church family is as good as gold, good as gold,” says Betty quietly. Sitting with Betty is like being in the presence of a gentle angel. She has […]