Ron’s Story
“I was nineteen when I sat on the balcony of our Church in NW London and quietly asked Jesus to come into my life.
I didn’t feel anything at the time, no flashing light or heavenly choir, but I was part of a loving caring Church and gradually my life began to change.
Looking back now over the last fifty five years I can see it was the start of a great adventure with Jesus and with my fellow Christians, which is still going on today. From civil service clerk to teacher to head teacher. From a single rather lonely teenager to a married man with a wonderful wife, four amazing children, and thirteen fantastic grandchildren. From a spiritual babe who knew very little to a regular Bible teacher……… Only He knows how much I really know and what is of real and lasting worth in my heart and life.
It is only Faith in Jesus that brought me into the family of God, forgiven and accepted. It is only the Grace of God that brought me in the first place and keeps me going. It is the Father who planned it all and the Spirit who makes it happen. And it is the Bible that showed me these truths, showed me my sin and showed me my Saviour.
Because He loves us so much God has promised to do this for everyone who asks Him. So……. ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be open to you.”