
Embracing evangelism as an Anglican curate
Perhaps the biggest change for Graham Adamson during his year as deacon in Redruth was taking 14 funerals – probably ten more than he’d even attended in his life. As […]

Arts Festival at St Andrews Redruth
This Saturday, 15thJune, sees the launch of the Arts Festival Week based at St Andrews Church in Redruth. The theme is Look Up, to help us see the world from […]

Catching up with a curate
Catching up with Revd Richard Wallis, a curate who has been working with the Eight Saints Cluster for the past year was a surprisingly serene experience. Eight Saints isn’t in […]

From serving in the Line of Duty to serving God
It’s not every day you get to meet someone who was in the real Line of Duty and find out he’s answered the call to ordination. For the very small […]

10/10 for ambition, aspiration and faith in action
All Saints Highertown (ASH) is a very special place in Truro, but you might not know that driving past on the busy road on its doorstep. Unassuming and unremarkable, except […]

Is a churchyard a good place to start talking about Easter?
A churchyard might not spring to mind as the obvious place to contemplate the hopefulness of life, but Revd Karsten believes it’s absolutely the place to talk about Easter and […]

The magic of marriage through the eyes of children
With the press full of stories and stats about divorce, it’s good every once in a while to be reminded how magical marriage can be. And nothing looks more magical […]

Cornish Celtic Way Spring Walk
On Sunday Bishop Philip pulled on his walking boots, took up his staff, and joined the walkers who were setting out on the first Cornish Celtic Way extended walk of […]

Oceans apart a mother and son pray for a miracle
People often talk about the power of prayer, from the mundane, like finding a parking spot, to the magnificent. Patrick Gilbert’s story definitely falls on the side of magnificent. It […]

Never give in, never, never, never, never…
Winston Churchill, in a speech to his old school, said, ‘…Never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of […]