


‘Alternative giving’ comes to Cornwall

‘Cornish Christmas Giving’ is an alternative Christmas gift catalogue to benefit Cornish residents.

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Pastoral partnerships can change lives

Conference helps pastoral ministers to work effectively with the voluntary sector to generate mutually beneficial partnerships

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Walk Cornwall 2 enters second week

This major ecumenical mission is gathering momentum

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Walk Cornwall 2 mission launched in Camborne

The three-week ecumenical mission has begun

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Seven new Honorary Canons for Truro Cathedral

Seven new Non-Residentiary Canons were admitted and installed following Solemn Evensong in Truro Cathedral on 15 September

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Search on for a Cornish Blessing

Why not try your hand at writing one?

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Jesus and the Christian Faith

    On the Church of England website, a Christian Life is defined as ‘one that is lived in relationship with God through Jesus Christ and, in common with other Christians, seeking […]

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Poverty in Numbers. Where does your parish fit in?

Use some innovative tools from the Church Urban Fund to find out.

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MMF moving in the right direction

July 2013 was a very good month for the Mission and Ministry Fund (MMF)

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Look out for a labyrinth near you

Beach labyrinths are operating all over Cornwall through the summer.

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.