


Bishop Tim’s Desert Island Book of the Bible

Revd Canon Vanda Perrett, of the Land’s Benefice, organised a rich series of Lent talks, inviting an author, two archdeacons, a professor and two bishops to share their favourite book […]

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Lending a Hand at Lent

Children at Breage Church of England VA Primary School loved the idea of NOT giving up chocolate or sweets during Lent and instead decided to help each other to read […]

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BBC checks to see if Bishop Chris remembers his toothbrush

As Bishop Chris prepares for his pilgrimage that begins on Friday March 31st, the BBC are popping in to see him tomorrow to make sure he’s done his packing properly. Check […]

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Children of St Maddern’s Primary School get stuck In2 the Bible

Children at St Maddern’s Church of England Primary School in Penzance have taken up the Bishop’s Challenge and are getting In2 the Bible. What better way to read the Bible […]

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