


An ex-commando, creativity and the Cross of St Piran

By Jac Smith

What does a Cross of St Piran Award mean to a man who already has a tidy stash of medals and honours following his time in the elite 4 5 […]

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Could teaching in a church primary school be your new future?

By Richard Best

Have you ever thought of training to become a primary school teacher? Celtic Cross Education has planned three open sessions during March and April 2020  for people interested in joining […]

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Get involved in the Bats in Churches study

By Kelly Rowe

Churches are often used by bats and in high numbers they can cause a considerable amount of damage, as well as a heavy cleaning burden. The Bats in Churches project […]

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Join Archdeacon Audrey in jumping off a cliff for Christian Aid

By Kelly Rowe

Christian Aid Zip Wire Challenge…. Join Archdeacon Audrey and sign up to take part in Christian Aid’s Zip Wire Challenge on Saturday, March 14 at Adrenalin Quarry near Liskeard. It’s […]

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Call to prayer and repentance

By Kelly Rowe

The Anglican Communion is called to a week of prayer and repentance during the fifth week of Lent, from Sunday, March 29 to Sunday, April 5. In a letter to […]

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Cornish Christmas Giving Catalogue raises £10,200

By Kelly Rowe

Local charities across the Diocese of Truro will benefit from over £10,000 following the success of the 2019 Christmas Giving Catalogue. THANK YOU! The annual booklet, produced by Cornwall Independent […]

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Cross of St Piran award recipients announced

By Kelly Rowe

Seventeen lay people from across the Diocese of Truro are to be recognised for their services to the Church and their local communities at the annual Cross of St Piran […]

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Prayer for Estates Evangelism

By Kelly Rowe

The Church of England is committed to work among the poorest communities in the UK. On February 22, our parishes are asked to join together in using the prayer below. […]

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Churches encouraged to join Come Rain or Shine 2020

By Kelly Rowe

Following on from the success of “Come Rain or Shine” last summer, which took place in 12 churches across the diocese, we are encouraging more parishes to get involved with […]

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Coronavirus: guidance for parishes

The Church of England has today (Thursday) offered the below advice to parishes. This page (click here) on the national church website will be updated to reflect any change in […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.