The Vacancy in See Committee of the Diocese of Truro has published its Statement of Needs, which will help to shape the process of appointing the next Bishop of Truro.

The 20-page document outlines the characteristics the committee believes are important in our new bishop.

The report says: “While there are many characteristics commonly expected in a bishop, the purpose of this statement is to support the present selection process. As such, we seek to avoid both excluding all possible candidates (by being too demanding) or including all (by being too anodyne). There may well be aspects which are deliberately not mentioned, although it is more likely that any omissions have come about because of the aim of focussing on usable selection criteria.”

Hopeful, faithful and realistic

In a covering later to church officials and officers, Bishop Chris wrote:  “I’m sure there will be many views on what might have been added or given less prominence. As you can see, we have tried to be hopeful, faithful and realistic when it came to the tasks of painting pictures – both of the diocese itself, and of the type of person we hope will come to lead us in our continuing journey together.”

In recent weeks the committee has appointed six of its number to join the Crown Nominations Commission. That will also include the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of York, appointments secretaries to both the Prime Minister and the archbishops, and some permanent members appointed by General Synod. The commission will now take forward the task of appointing the new bishop.

Off to Lambeth Palace

Bishop Chris, which is chair of the vacancy in See Committee, added: “Soon our chosen six will be off to Lambeth Palace to start work with their Crown Nominations Commission colleagues, and I am sure you will join with me in offering prayers for them, for helping them to discharge this most significant of responsibilities. Under the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit, they will seek to discern who He is calling to become our new bishop.

“I am sure I am not alone in looking forward immensely to our next step along this road. This will mark the start of a new chapter in the long story of the Anglican Church in Cornwall. As you read the statement of needs it will be apparent that the needs and the opportunities in our diocese are very significant and with our new bishop we shall all be called to play our part in responding to them.”

Download the Statement of Needs