A film has now been published celebrating the Songs for Earth environmental service that saw more than a hundred Cornish primary school children join with members of the WI, the […]
More than 100 primary children, plus their teachers, parents, carers and grandparents, came from across Cornwall to perform at Songs for Earth, an environmental service at Truro Cathedral. The children […]
Two Cornish church primary school heads have been awarded the Church of England Professional Qualification for Headship. Pippa Warner, Head of School from St Catherine’s CofE School and Nursery, Launceston, […]
Bishop Tim hosted a schools’ garden party at Lis Escop as a thank you for all their work during the academic year. It was organised by the diocesan education team and […]
It’s not every day you see a Bishop dancing and singing along to Jungle Book’s “The Bear Necessities of Life,” in Swedish. But it’s not every day that Johan Dalman, […]