Local Worship Leaders

The Diocese of Truro recognises people may be called to a range of ministries including leading worship.
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A Local Worship Leader (LWL) may be authorised to assist at a Eucharistic or other services led by ordained or licensed ministers; they may devise and lead Services of the Word (BCP or Common Worship), special services, new forms of worship such as Café or Messy Church, under the authority, scrutiny and guidance of their incumbent. They are not licensed to preach.
The Sunday Plus Course is designed to train and equip people to be Local Worship Leaders able to lead worship, not just on Sundays, but at any time. These courses can be in person or online, and we usually offer one of each per year.
The Sunday Plus Course consists of eight (2 hour) sessions covering topics including:
- Styles of Worship
- Service of the Word Structure
- Seasons, Scripture and Sermons
- Leading All age worship
- Leading prayers Team Working
- Sacred Space, Sign and Symbol
- Using Music and Technology in Worship
Potential Local Worship Leaders must be nominated and supported by the parish incumbent and the PCC using the Recommendation for Training form.
Once the course is completed, and they have the right safeguarding training and a working agreement, they will be commissioned to their benefice for three years.
After three years there is an opportunity for both the parish and LWL to review the situation and if appropriate apply to be recommissioned for a further three years.
Refresher courses and specialist sessions on leading prayer, creating liturgical acts of worship, how to give a talk and use the ‘sermon slot’ inventively as well as giving opportunities to explore other forms of worship are planned throughout the year.
Local Worship Leaders are required to have a current Working Agreement in place and complete Safeguarding Training (Leadership and Domestic Abuse Awareness) every three years prior to being recommissioned.
For a conversation about Local Worship Leaders and please contact Lay Ministry Development Officer, Lydia Remick by emailing lydia.remick@truro.anglican.org