Christine Irons

Christine is presented with the Cross of St Piran by Bishop Chris
Christine has never known a time in her life when she didn’t feel God wasn’t with her. “He’s always there, showing me the way,” she says.
That way has been hard of late. Christine and her husband Ivan are living with Ivan’s dementia. “But whenever I get low, God always answers,” says Christine. “He finds ways to lift my spirits, with help from my daughters, a phone call, something that encourages me and lets me know I’m not on my own – like a letter about this award!”
“But whenever I get low, God always answers,” says Christine. “He finds ways to lift my spirits, with help from my daughters, a phone call, something that encourages me and lets me know I’m not on my own – like a letter about this award!”
Apart from all the things that Christine has done for her community in and around Tintagel, from Guides and Brownies to tea parties for the senior and more isolated members of the community, Christine has been nominated for her, “Quiet Christian witness.” It’s a witness that has served her community for many years, gently coming alongside people and drawing people together, whatever their age, with activities and events that connect and include.
Christine helped to revitalise the local Brownies when the family moved to Tintagel from Bude, but it’s Guiding that has been a big part of Christine’s life. It started when her girls were young and came home to tell her they’d volunteered her services in the swimming pool, “Because the captain doesn’t want to go in the water!” She helped out for nine years then went into uniform and has been there ever since.
When Guides get older, they can become part of the Trefoil Guild and Christine chairs the Guild in Bude. “Most of our members are in their latter years, and it’s great fun – lots of activities and events to raise funds, mostly around food!”
Bringing people together is important to Christine, who knows how hard it can be to feel isolated, whether that’s as a young mum, a carer looking after a relative or because mobility issues make connecting more of a challenge. She has helped to organise ‘Stay and Play’ for pre-schoolers, afternoon tea-parties, morning coffee drop-ins and (friendly!) whist-drives for the older community.
“I get a bit fed up, even get a bit cross with God sometimes – but He never let’s go. He comes into your life in special ways.”
Christine also serves on the PCC and contributes to the church services as much as she can. Her faith is a lifeline, “I get a bit fed up, even get a bit cross with God sometimes – but He never let’s go. He comes into your life in special ways.” Christine and her family have endured some very tough times, but Christine has remained faithful and relied in her quiet way on the promise that God has made to always be by her side.