Following the effectiveness of the Thy Kingdom Come ‘Beacon’ event at the Cathedral last year, there will again be a large-scale event to which all are welcome.
This is at Truro Methodist Church on the afternoon and evening of Sunday 13th May.
“Together for God’s Kingdom” will be a flexible and varied program, which people are welcome to attend some/all of, as they are able.
This will include:
2-4pm: open air and inside events to attract attention and draw interest – including children’s activities
2-6pm: stalls in Wesley Hall indicating the work and prayer needs of a wide variety of organisations which work towards the coming of God’s Kingdom
4-5pm: Songs of Praise service in Truro Methodist Church
5-6pm: FREE afternoon tea in Wesley Hall (if you are bringing a large group from your church, you are welcome to bring a plate of something towards the tea)
6.30-8pm: The main Beacon event: “Together for God’s Kingdom” service of prayer and worship. Contemporary worship, opportunities for prayer, reflections on Luke 4.18-19.
8-8.30pm: Opportunities to receive prayer ministry and foot-washing
8.30-9pm: Taize reflective service – sending out to pray and work for God’s Kingdom.
Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.