Pupils of Cornish Schools and members of the county youth choir will all perform at a special service in November to celebrate our planet and the children who are fighting for it.
The Songs for Earth Service will be held in Truro Cathedral, November 17th at 2pm.
The children are being invited to meet from 1.15pm on Lemon Quay and march to the cathedral with their banners. Diocese of Truro Environment Officer, Luci Isaacson, said: “many people are wondering what exactly they can do themselves to help the climate. If that sounds familiar, why not come along to this cathedral service that celebrates the gift of creation and the actions of many across the whole Diocese of Truro”.
“School choirs from across the county will process through Truro to join us, and together we will sing Songs for Earth to highlight our opportunity to make change. This event will help us all galvanise our passion into much-needed action – to reduce our carbon emissions and enjoy learning what we can all do.”
As well as the schools and county youth choir taking part, the event is being held in conjunction with the Cornwall Federation of WIs (CFWI).
The federation was represented on the original steering group for the cathedral’s Footsteps to Copenhagen Project that led to the creation of the Ten Pledges, which have been adopted by hundreds of people across the diocese.
“I hope the service will be an inspiration to children and adults alike,” said Luci. “Many people feel the desire to help the environment, but are unsure of what to do. The Ten Pledges gives everybody a starting point, some relatively easy, straightforward and everyday ways to help the environment.”
Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.