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Exploring God in Dementia- Theology, Spirituality & Personhood

11th May 2017

10am – 4pm Thu 11 May 2017. This Ecumenical Study Day has been organised by a team representing dioceses, districts and associations from across the South West region. For a list of members please see below.

The venue is Riverside Conference Centre, Exeter EX4 1DU. For further advice about accessibility and parking please see below.

Kindly book through our Eventbrite page, the cost £15 includes lunch and a free pack. You may be able to claim this back from your affiliated training or Continuing Ministerial Development department. Please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment because spaces are limited. For those without access to the internet, there is an alternative booking form in the leaflet.


The day is open to anyone in ministry, a church leadership role, or anyone who needs to think theologically about these issues. Our aim is that after this day, church leaders and ministers will feel confident to speak and preach about dementia from a current perspective, as well as support local initiatives.


Date: 11th May 2017


Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.