With Revd Jem Thorold
‘Jesus, in his life, suffering and death, and in his resurrection and ascension defeated evil and brought
the hope of salvation to everyone.
So we can be confident that when we pray the Lord’s Prayer for deliverance from evil, God hears us, and that praying with people for their needs and protection is often an appropriate way of ministering to them.
Some people, however, seek specific help when going through times of suffering and anxiety, or when distressed by what seem to be continuing experiences of evil within them or around them.
For these people, it may be right to ask for God’s saving help through the Church’s deliverance ministry. ‘
(The House of Bishops’ Guidelines for Good Practice in the Deliverance Ministry 1975 (revised 2012)
We will explore together how to respond, minister to, collaborate with others and record requests for the Ministry of Deliverance.
Looking at Best Practice – Safeguarding – Our own protection and prayer life.
Revd Jem Thorold is the Chaplain to the Bishop’s and the ‘Gatekeeper’ for the Ministry of Deliverance.
10am Coffee and Start, 4pm Finish
Click here to book a place.
Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.