


Live Advent, a wonderful example of community joy for the festive season

Sybilla Davis, church warden at St Mark’s, Sticker, is determined that, this year, throughout the Christmas season, no one in the community will be on their own. She has produced […]

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Timetable for new MMF consultation is finalised

A timetable for the consultation over the new method of allocating the Mission and Ministry Fund among parishes has been finalised. The November 2017 meeting of the Truro Diocesan Synod […]

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Why Remembering Remembrance Day can be hard

Remembrance Day is a time when people gather to stand together, to remember, reflect and give thanks for everyone who sacrificed so much for the lives we all enjoy today. […]

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Halloween – something to revile, run from or embrace?

Halloween, for Christians, can be a confusing, challenging even irritating time of year. Some might be tempted to turn off all the lights and pretend not be home, others to […]

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Dwindling, aging congregations? How very dare he!

“Optimism is a precondition for any job in the Church of England. But the overwhelming impression is of dwindling, ageing congregations: homely, well-mannered and kindly folk increasingly out of joint […]

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A lone pilgrim on the Cornish Celtic Way

Being a pilgrim on the Cornish Celtic Way, if you’re a bishop, is, as Bishop Chris would testify, wonderful. Lots of people to walk alongside, the kindness of churches opening […]

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Vocations: Student Jemima Bush works her way through an array of choices

Few of us are fortunate enough to have an unequivocal sense of vocation, something that gives an unmistakable direction to our lives. For many it is more nuanced, their sense […]

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A Grand Adventure for the team behind the Huddle Cafe in Falmouth

Matt and Bianca. Even their names are cool. And not just because they sound like an 80s band. Matt and Bianca are the two new managers of the Huddle, a […]

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Modern slavery is focus of Truro event featuring films from charity Unchosen

An event to help shed light on the dangers and practices of modern slavery is to be held in Truro later this month. Stay Safe From Slavery will feature two […]

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St Wenn wins the Church Times Green Church Award!

A proper David and Goliath story, St Wenn Church has won the prestigious Church Times Green Church Award. That’s no mean feat when you consider this tiny Cornish church was […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.