


Latest Vacancy in See news: six elected to the Crown Nominations Commission

Six people have been selected to represent the Diocese of Truro on the Crown Nominations Commission, the national body charged with choosing the next diocesan bishop. The six elected by […]

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A former Commando with the softest heart for God and a World War One sculpture project

Patrick Mcwilliam is an extraordinary man who, as his wife Lizzie says, “leaks God’s love.” An ex-Commando, sculptor and trained psychotherapist, Patrick has been commissioned by St Pol de Leon […]

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Bishop Chris invites us all to join him in working for a society built upon faith, hope and love

What are you thinking as we enter a New Year? I suspect that many of us hope it won’t be like 2017. That was a year made memorable for all […]

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Do you have what it takes to help shape the future of mission and ministry training in Cornwall and Devon?

New trustees are being sought by the South West Ministry Training Course (SWMTC), which prepares men and women for Christian mission and ministry in Devon and Cornwall. SWMTC is entering an […]

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Why can’t we all dance on God’s great dance floor?

With the scary truth out there that only around 3% of young people in Cornwall regularly attend an Anglican church in Cornwall, Jac Smith who joined our communications team earlier […]

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Loving thy neighbour this Christmas with Meals for the Community

Wherever you are this Christmas in Cornwall, and no matter what your circumstances,  you will never be far from a warm meal. Thanks to communities up and down our county, […]

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A Christingle means so much more than a fire hazard

At this time of year, many of us will stand a little nervously besides our young children as they proudly hold their Christingle, their eyes (and hopefully not their hair) […]

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#GodWithUs – national Christmas campaign is launched

Today the Church launches its #GodWithUs Christmas campaign, aimed at encouraging people across the country to experience the love of God at this special moment in the Christian year. Your […]

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A prayer for the diocese during this time of vacancy

Member of the Vacancy-in-See Committee, Revd Andrew Yates, has written a prayer for the diocese as its members work through the many stages involved in finding and selecting the next […]

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Live Advent, a wonderful example of community joy for the festive season

Sybilla Davis, church warden at St Mark’s, Sticker, is determined that, this year, throughout the Christmas season, no one in the community will be on their own. She has produced […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.