


Video of all-age worship from Facebook Live, on 26.4.20

To watch a video of this service, that was originally webcast on Facebook Live on Sunday, April 26, please click here.

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Sunday worship from Lis Escop, April 26, 2020

Bishop Philip and Ruth Mounstephen bring you this week’s Sunday worship from Lis Escop. To watch the subtitled video, click here or click on the photograph below. Click here to […]

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Paint your worship green: how to bring caring for creation to the heart of your services

Members of the clergy, local worship leaders and readers are being invited to join one of two ‘Greening Worship’ workshops during the month of May. The events will be held […]

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Good Friday prayer and meditation from Lis Escop

Bishop Philip has written an extended service of worship and meditations for Good Friday. He recorded it with his wife, Ruth, at their home, Lis Escop. To watch the service, […]

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Clergy and readers from across the Diocese of Truro reaffirm their vows – via video conference!

The Maundy Thursday Chrism service scheduled to be held in Truro Cathedral today was, of course, postponed. But while the diocese’s clergy and readers could not be anointed in person, […]

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Good Friday and Easter Day worship from Lis Escop

Bishop Philip has prepared an extended service of readings and meditations for Good Friday, and recorded it at Lis Escop with Ruth. That will be available here from 8am on […]

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Palm Sunday worship from Lis Escop

Bishop Philip and Ruth Mounstephen invite you to worship with them on Palm Sunday.  To watch the video, please click on the photograph or on the link below.  Or click […]

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Coronavirus: a pastoral statement from the Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen, Bishop of Truro 

My friends, I’m sharing this message today not just with the clergy and people of the Diocese of Truro, but with everyone here in Cornwall at what is a very challenging time for us all. You’ll […]

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Go to church … without actually going to church? Yep!

MONDAY UPDATE: click here for a link to the service, for you to watch. People who cannot make it to church on Sunday now have a new option to watch […]

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Bishop Philip leads service of thanksgiving for hospital chaplains at RCHT

Royal Cornwall Hospital Trust’s chaplains came together for a service of thanksgiving on Tuesday, March 3. The service was led by Bishop Philip, who was welcomed to the chapel at […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.