The great orchestral conductor Sir Thomas Beecham was once strolling around a churchyard, when he came across a headstone which announced, “Here lies the body of a fine musician and […]
Katie Fitzsimmons, the Diocesan Director of Education (DDE), has announced she will be leaving the diocese in August. Katie, who has been in post since June 2019, will be leaving […]
Judy Backus is a woman with a van. She calls it her TARDIS because it manages to contain more than would seem physically possible. Judy Backus is a woman with […]
Andy Earl has been named as the new Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor. Andy will take up the post from April 1 following the departure of Sarah Acraman, who was the Diocesan […]
The Diocese of Truro Advisory Committee and Cornwall Council welcome entries for the 2023 Nick Cahill Award. This annual award commemorates our friend and esteemed colleague Nick Cahill. A hugely […]