


“Will we engage in the adventurous, risky faith God calls us to – or not?”

The Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen Bishop of Truro Presidential Address Diocesan Synod, May 28, 2022 “Will we engage in the adventurous, risky faith God calls us to – or not?” […]

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TM Camborne changing lives

When funding was approved for Transforming Mission Camborne in 2019 no one could have guessed the impact of the project on real people. When Phase 2 of Transforming Mission went […]

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Penlee Cluster crowned national winners

Penlee Cluster of Churches has been crowned national winner of Ecclesiastical Insurance’s annual Good News Competition. At the ceremony in London, Penlee Cluster of Churches received an additional £6,000 on […]

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Change & Renewal: Part-time post to support parishes become Fruitful & Sustainable

The Diocese of Truro has embarked upon a significant programme of change to achieve fruitfulness and sustainability in the current climate of massive social and economic challenge. From 2021, all […]

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Archbishop coming to diocese in June

Across the Diocese of Truro, local churches faithfully share the good news of Jesus every week through their worship, through acts of loving service, and through creative outreach. In June […]

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Roadshows: Finding a way to be church together meaningfully

This year’s roadshows will be intergenerational with the aim of exploring faith together regardless of your age.  There will be four roadshows taking place between 3pm and 5pm in:  Bodmin […]

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TM Easter Celebrations in Cornwall

In these turbulent times, the TM Easter Celebrations across Cornwall offer hope. Hope that Jesus can be our source of strength, comfort and peace. From Easter Explorations for primary schoolchildren, […]

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Camborne Cluster celebrates Care Hero award win

The people of Camborne Cluster of Churches were celebrating on Friday night after Revd Neil Potter was named winner of the Care Hero Award in the annual Cornwall Adult Health […]

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A time to Build: first book to overview Cornwall’s churches launched

The first comprehensive overview of Cornwall’s Anglican church buildings covering the 19th and 20th centuries has finally hit bookshelves. A Time To Build – Signposts to the Building, Restoration, Enhancement […]

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Save the date – Intergenerational roadshows

Come and enjoy tea, time and talks with us. The diocesan roadshows are making a return in May with a new format. This year’s roadshows will be intergenerational with the […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.