
500 entries for annual Christmas card competition
With over 500 entries from 12 schools to the Diocese of Truro Christmas Card competition selecting a winning design was extremely difficult this year. The judging panel, which was made […]

An education background isn’t essential to be a trustee or governor
What is a trustee of a multi academy trust? What even is a multi-academy trust? It wasn’t that long ago that schools were run by local education authorities. Governors (most […]

Understanding Christianity training
We are running further Understanding Christianity training courses for RE Leads and Heads of Schools in the Spring Term 2023. If you are interested in finding out more about future […]

Governors: a vital role as critical friend & supporter
While we are already in the second month of 2021, you may still be looking for a resolution or a way to ‘do your bit’. If so, have you considered […]
Cornish schools join pilot to attract more young teachers to rural schools
The Diocese of Truro is one of nine pilot regions joining the new Rural Teaching Partnership. Cornish schools, serving areas of rural deprivation, will take part in a campaign to […]

Could teaching in a church primary school be your new future?
Have you ever thought of training to become a primary school teacher? Celtic Cross Education has planned three open sessions during March and April 2020 for people interested in joining […]

Citizens’ Panel investigating housing, homelessness & hidden hunger
“High housing costs, low paid insecure work, eviction and homelessness are all issues that blight local communities in Cornwall, including Penzance. How can we as a community come together to […]

SIAMS training
We will be running a further one day course on the new SIAMS Evaluation Schedule on 11th March 10am-3.30pm at Celtic Cross Education,Victoria. Booking forms can be downloaded here SIAMS […]

Living the vision: church schools talk about how they embody values
The education team at the Diocese of Truro has produced a video to show how the values that run throughout the Church of England’s Vision for Education are lived out […]

Many turn out to consider their calling from God
Around 50 people attended the presentations and group sessions at this year’s Vocations Day inTruro Cathedral, with more popping in to browse. Director of Ministry for the Diocese of Truro, […]