With over 500 entries from 12 schools to the Diocese of Truro Christmas Card competition selecting a winning design was extremely difficult this year.

The judging panel, which was made up of the Bishop of Truro, the Rt Revd Philip Mounstephen, Mrs Ruth Mounstephen, the Bishop of St German, the Rt Revd Hugh Nelson, Director for Schools Katie Fitzsimmons, and local artist Lydia Remick, spent a great deal of time carefully considering all the entries before Evie, aged seven, from Archbishop Benson School in Truro was selected as the winning artist. Her design will now be turned into the official Christmas Card for 2022.

Such was the quality of entries, Bishop Philip and Bishop Hugh also selected designs for their personal cards. Bishop Philip’s choice was created by Jack, aged five from St Issey School. Bishop Hugh’s card was crafted by year 4 pupil Oscar from Duloe School.

Evie, Jack and Oscar received certificates and a £25 book token each with their schools receiving £60 each in Amazon vouchers.

A card by Cody, aged nine from St Mary’s School in Penzance, was selected by Katie Fitzsimmons, Diocesan Director for Schools.

Diocesan Secretary Simon Cade card was designed by Rosie, a year one pupil at Duloe School for his card.

The Archdeacons’ card was by Jake, aged nine, from Duloe School.

Cody, Rosie and Jake also received certificates and a £10 book token each. There were ten highly commended drawings selected and these pupils received certificates.