


An intimate community celebration of the Royal Wedding complete with mermaid

It was very thoughtful of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to coincide their wedding with the Zennor Feast, knowing, as they surely did, that part of the Feast would include […]

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Thy Kingdom Come 2018 Beacon Event

What does it mean when we pray Thy Kingdom Come? For Gavin Calver of Spring Harvest, it means an expectation of change and relinquishing control over what’s going to happen […]

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Celebrating creativity at St Cubert with hands-on tactile workshops

Creativity inspired by St Cubert Church is being celebrated in a series of workshops over the month of May. Thanks to Lottery Funding secured to ensure this ancient church’s future, […]

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Could you go on the streets to tell people Jesus loves them?

If you asked most Christians to go out into the streets of their local community to share the good news that Jesus loves them, the first response would probably be […]

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From Archdeacon to the over-arching Transforming Mission

In 2006, when the Archdeacon of Cornwall, the Ven Bill Stuart-White, was a Rector in Camborne, he hit the national headlines not because he’d hitched up his robes and chased […]

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Chrism Eucharist : A time of renewal, blessing and reflection

On the morning of Maundy Thursday, the people of Truro might have noticed a rush of clergy carrying white robes walking purposefully through the streets on the way to the […]

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AMD 2 : What it means for you and your parishes and how it’s progressing

Accompanied Ministry Development is a programme designed to encourage, bless and challenge the people of God as we discover God’s Kingdom and grow the church. Focused on supporting both clergy […]

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Family fear – how can churches hope to take root in the hearts of the young?

Many of us who are parents have probably been there. In church with a fractious child, our stress levels rising with every tut and pair of disapproving eyes boring into […]

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St Clement, an oasis in a busy world

Even covered by tarpaulin and scaffolding, St Clement Church, a Grade One medieval church nestling close to the River Tresillian, still feels very much an oasis in a busy world. […]

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Cross of St Piran honouring those who do the extraordinary

After a week when Cornwall seemed to close because of the snow and extreme cold, the ice melted, the roads cleared and the Cross of St PIran nominees made their […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.