The Diocese of Truro has welcomed Joel Dougan-Davies as its new Social Responsibility Officer.

Joel will be working with parishes and deaneries to support and enable them as they respond to God’s call to serve the poor and those in need. Joel’s particular focus will be on the use of Lowest Income Communities Fund (LICF), and other resources to be Good News for those most in need.

Joel said: “I’m really excited to get going and be one part of the transformative impact the Church of England is having on the most vulnerable in our communities.

“I’ve lived in Cornwall for almost a year and a half now and have loved it. In this time, I’ve mostly been working as a Community Outreach Coordinator for the Salvation Army in Falmouth, Newquay, and St Austell, getting to know these communities, and growing a passion for social transformation. I also care deeply for the Church and am part of St Gregory’s, a new Anglican church on the North Coast that longs to wholeheartedly serve Jesus in Cornwall and beyond.”

As Joel gets to grips with his new role, he will be visiting every deanery, exploring the work that is already underway. Joel added: “Please do get in touch to introduce yourself and let me know about the impact your church is having on your local community. Or if you would like to support some form of social action work and don’t know where to begin, I’d love to help.”

Contact Joel