The diocese has published two videos it hopes will encourage people to think about answering a calling from God to join the clergy.

Parish priest Jeremy Putnam and curate Arwen Folkes are featured in the short films, talking about their vocations, and how their calling features in their everyday lives.

“I really hope that these films will be the gentle nudge that some people need to talk about their sense of purpose and vocation,” – Revd Jeremy Putnam.

Jeremy, who has been priest in charge at All Saints Highertown and Baldhu since 2015, said: “I really hope that these films will be the gentle nudge that some people need to talk about their sense of purpose and vocation, and whether it’s for ordained ministry or for some other equally important work, these films encourage people to pray and talk about their future in Christ.”

Arwen, who was priested in 2017 and is now assistant curate in the parish of St-Just-in-Roseland and St Mawes, said: “I really hope that others will see from the videos that in a vocation, God first embraces who you actually are, and then uses and expands all your characteristics and experience in creative and exciting ways.

“Being called and enabled to walk with Christ in community is an incredible privilege,” – Revd Arwen Folkes.

“I have never been more fulfilled than I am in my ministry. My heart is often so full because being called and enabled to walk with Christ in community is an incredible privilege. It has changed my life and challenged my understanding of things in ways that I hadn’t ever dared to dream of. If the video helps just one person to respond to that call in their own heart and life I will be very happy.

“Being asked to appear in a video about my parish and ministry was a surprisingly useful exercise. It caused me to stop and think about what I do from quite a different angle. My normal day begins by praying that I may walk closely with Christ in all that I encounter, all I do, and all I say. I have to admit that I prayed this all the more fervently for the video!”

Click on the videos below to play the films.

Vocations Day

As part of its developing work around vocations, the diocese will hold a Vocations Day in Truro Cathedral on Saturday, March 17, 2018, from 10am to 3pm.

The purpose of the day is not to focus solely on a vocation to ordained ministry, but to try and help people consider the many and varied ways in which God can call them to service. That might be as a priest, but it might equally be as a Reader or a teacher, a Local Worship Leader, or indeed in another career or voluntary activity that enables people to serve.
A detailed schedule for the day will be published soon.
The diocese is hoping to publish more videos in the series Living Faith, this time looking at people who are called to different kinds of vocation.