
On Saturday the cathedral bells rang out across Truro to mark the Celebration of 150 Years of Reader Ministry.

Readers from across the diocese joined together with family, friends, clergy and members of congregations as they witnessed Molly Brown, Liz Davies, William Hazelton, Jane Osborne and Lydia Remick being Admitted and Licenced by Bishop Chris as new Readers in the Diocese. A warm welcome was also given to Tony LeFevre, a Reader who had transferred from Portsmouth Diocese and had his Licence issued earlier in the year.

Bishop Chris presided but Readers took their full and active part in the Service. Kevin Dodds was Assisting Minister, Garth Wright read the Old Testament lesson; Jenny Eglington and Wendy Barritt led us in our intercessions; six Readers acted as Communion Assistants – and last but by no means least the preacher was Lydia Remick.

When Lydia stood in the pulpit to preach she did so with the special permission of Bishop Chris because at that stage she was still a Reader- in-Training. Lydia was very well received and received a well-earned round of applause.1016-0058-pr4photos-cathedral-readers

In her Sermon Lydia spoke of Reader Ministry. She said: “We are here to celebrate the role of Reader Ministry. While that encompasses many different things for each of us here who are Readers or will be Readers how that will look will be different depending on our gifts and strengths. And while the main body of what we will all do is to ‘preach and teach’ there is also a lot of meeting with people and coming alongside them to declare this amazing news we have that as Isaiah puts it ‘Our God Reigns’.”

The main subject of Lydia’s sermon was PEACE which was taken from two readings chosen from Isaiah and St Luke. She said: ‘God’s peace, firstly is not invasive. If someone does not want to accept it we cannot make them, but God’s peace secondly is never wasted, it is either accepted and rests upon the other person or it is returned to us.

“God’s peace is too precious, too wonderful to be wasted and so it either goes out from us and into the lives of others or it returns to us, so we have the peace of knowing that God has this… no matter what.

“And this is the first thing Jesus tells those he sent out to do. Before you do anything else declare peace. Proclaim God’s peace over it all, proclaim I’m in control and no matter what happens you will be OK.”

And Lydia concluded her sermon by saying: “God’s peace can make the world of difference to us and to those we meet so I urge you to go and declare God’s peace and see what can be achieved.

“But if you have never felt God’s peace, don’t wait. It is like oxygen to your soul, God does not want you to walk this journey alone, he is here, waiting for you, baring his holy arm for you today.”

During the Service Bishop Chris acknowledged those Readers whose Permission To Officiate Licence (PTO) were renewed and also presenting Charles Neate his first PTO. Bishop Chris also presented to Graham Brack, Malcolm Henderson and Geraint Wilton a certificate of recognition for their contribution of 25 Years to Reader Ministry.

All Readers stood and reaffirmed their dedication afresh to the service of Christ, as heralds of his gospel and ministers of his grace.

With this being the 150th anniversary of Reader Ministry, this year the service in Truro Cathedral was extra special and this was certainly felt by those attending.

This year eight people have come forward and have been selected as Readers in Training and all being well they too in a three years’ time wear the blue scarf of Readers.

If you are interested in finding out more about Reader Ministry speak to your vicar or visit the Reader section of our website:

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