The New Year has brought good news for the Diocese of Truro’s finances which have received a 20 per cent boost.

In 2014 the diocese, facing a shortfall of £1.2 million, asked parishes to increase their Mission and Ministry Fund (MMF) contributions by 28 per cent, a move that many thought impossible.

While the 20.40 per cent increase realised in 2015 falls below that target, it is a move in the right direction and is largely down to the responses of people in the parishes who have gone above and beyond in their efforts.

The Rt Revd Tim Thornton, Bishop of Truro, said: “I am incredibly humbled by the responses from the parishes. We still face a shortfall but given the 28% increase that was asked of the parishes, this increase is nevertheless very encouraging and I want to thank everyone in our parishes that work so hard to maintain the mission and ministry in this diocese.”

At Synod in November 2015, members were told that between 2008 and 2014, the MMF call had only increased by 3.8 per cent despite costs increasing during that period by 16 per cent. The shortfall was filled by the diocese eating into its reserves year after year, a situation that could not continue.

In 2016, the diocese expenditure is likely to be just over £7 million, the bulk of that being the cost of ministry (£5.51 million). Other costs include Governance and support (£0.62 million) and Mission (£0.42 million).

Bishop Tim added: “There is still much hard work for all of us but I do see this response to the MMF Call as a first step in moving forward and responding appropriately in our discipleship.

“Generosity is part of our discipleship, our response to the call of Jesus. It is not just about giving of our money, it is about how we spend our time, our talents and our possessions.”