Launceston Roadshow

Over 60 people attended the second Autumn Roadshow in Launceston on last night.

The event, which was held in Launceston Town Hall, is the second in series of Roadshows being run across the county over the next two months. To see the video of the first roadshow in Falmouth click here

Bishop Tim said: “The Roadshows are an annual series of events that we hold across the diocese. I am here, with Bishop Chris and the Archdeacons, to update everyone from our perspective and to hear the good ideas they have to share with us.”

Those attending were able to see three lively videos, including one of  ‘vox pops’ interviews about attitudes to the Church and another showing some of the good work taking place in parishes.  There was a presentation on the Way of Life programme by Archdeacon Audrey Elkington.

Archdeacon Bill Stuart-White then gave a short presentation about ‘doing church differently’ projects, such as e-waves, Uncover, and then there was a report on the highly successful Filling Station programme – “At our Filling Station there were people who hadn’t been to church before and it was amazing because everybody felt moved by the occasion.”

All the videos from the evening are available by clicking here

Archdeacon Bill also took the opportunity to announce a brand new programme which will enable every parish across the diocese to have its own professionally presented website.

There were further updates on the Accompanied Ministry Development initiative from Bishop Chris who explained how the project is enabling the sharing of good practice across the diocese. He said: “It is very hard work leading our church into growth, but it is infinitely valuable.”

The evening finished with a question & answer session which elicited some challenging questions around the subjects of working differently to appeal to younger people, and the diocese finances.

Bishop Tim said: “We are in a very difficult financial situation and, unless we take the appropriate action now, within the next three years we will be in real trouble. There are three options: we can cut costs, we can donate more or we can invite more people to the church. I think we now have a real opportunity to make some hard, but realistic, changes that will set us on the right path for the future.”

The next Roadshow is on Thursday, October 9 at The Public Hall, Liskeard Town Council, Liskeard,  PL14 6BW, starting at 6.30pm. It is free to attend and teas and coffees will be provided.

The full list of remaining Autumn Roadshows can be found here.