On Maundy Thursday, clergy from across the Diocese gathered in the Cathedral for the annual Chrism Eucharist at which they renewed their Ordination Vows.

In his sermon, Bishop Tim addressed the subject of how ordained ministers in particular work within the roles that God has given them. “I suggest we do need to regain confidence in who we are and what we have been called to be and do, in order that others may hear the Gospel loud and clear,” he said.

“We live at a time when questions of status and power are difficult to discuss, yet essential. The leaders of the three main political parties have never been less popular than they are today. In many institutions figures of authority are struggling to assert their place. And within the church it is no different.

“We are struggling to know who we are and who we are meant to be. Everything is changing all around us and we don’t know what to make of it, or who we are, or what is our place.

“My purpose today is to encourage you to be disciples, to keep searching and living out the Way of Life that God has given to you and to rejoice that because we are human, we are vulnerable and fallible and sinful; and it is precisely through us that God will enable others to know something of His love.

“We need to discover afresh who we are. We need to enjoy – yes enjoy the roles God gives to us – and fill them out with our whole humanity.”

During the service, Bishop Tim blessed the oils used – across the whole diocese – for baptisms, confirmation, ordination and the anointing of the sick. This follows the custom of the early church and means that the oils provide a direct link between the Bishop and his people.

For full transcript of Bishop Tim’s sermon, click here.