


Dying Matters – for all of us

In this Dying Matters Awareness Week, we’re taking a closer look at what is, generally, a subject none of us like to talk about. Dying Matters is a coalition that […]

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Invitation to Celtic Quiet Days at St. Crida Church

The church of St. Crida, Grampound is holding organised Celtic Quiet Days throughout 2017. The schedule for this year is: Friday 2nd June with Revd Canon Pat Robson ‘In the […]

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Survey to help burial ground conservation charity

Caring for God’s Acre, a charity dedicated to conserving and celebrating burial grounds and encouraging a holistic approach to management, would like your help in developing their project to provide […]

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Pledge 3 of Climate Vision – to educate myself on the impacts of climate change

Happy Easter! Christ has risen, let us celebrate and become better stewards of creation – not just the caretakers. It was Bishop Chris who said, “not just caretakers” as I […]

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Land’s End to John O’Groats route to play a part in Thy Kingdom Come Prayer

As well as being part of the Lord’s Prayer, Thy Kingdom Come is the name given to a plea from the Archbishop of Canterbury to encourage as many people as […]

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Music, art and challenges at Penlee Easter celebrations

Penlee Cluster in West Cornwall had non-stop events in their parishes over the Easter period. These included: Easter Art Exhibition ‘Feargal Shiels: Crux’. Find out more.  Songs by intern Josh […]

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In2 the Bible – the greatest gift you can give this Easter

With Easter upon us the greatest gift we can give each other is hope in the believe in Jesus’ promise to be be with us, “…always, to the very end […]

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Truro Cathedral to take part in Thy Kingdom Come global prayer movement

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement which the Archbishop of Canterbury is inviting people around the world to join. He is calling on Christians to pray that people […]

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Pilgrimages are in the zeitgeist – it’s official

The Right Revd Chris Goldsmith, Bishop of St Germans is, at the moment of writing, not just completing the Cornish Celtic Way designed by Revd Nigel Marns, but is helping to […]

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Bishop Tim’s Desert Island Book of the Bible

Revd Canon Vanda Perrett, of the Land’s Benefice, organised a rich series of Lent talks, inviting an author, two archdeacons, a professor and two bishops to share their favourite book […]

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