


The journey, joy and heartache of adoption

When Jane* and Mark* began the long road to adopting James*, they knew it was going to be challenging. Having reached a point in their lives when they accepted they […]

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Climate change cyclists to depart Truro Cathedral, bound for UN talks in Germany

  Three cyclists will set off from Truro Cathedral on a journey to deliver a report to the COP23 UN climate change conference in Bonn, Germany. Along their route, the […]

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Doors of St Andrew’s Church in Redruth to be opened wide after two decades

Plans to work towards opening up St Andrew’s Church in the centre of Redruth every day have been announced by the PCC. The news comes two decades after the original […]

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South Petherwin Shop leaves positive legacy for both church and village

The community shop at South Petherwin might have had to close less than two years after opening, but the project has left ongoing, tangible benefits for the church and the […]

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Work is already under way to find the new Bishop of Truro

Those who saw reports of Bishop Tim’s commissioning at Lambeth Palace, may have been asking themselves whether the process for his replacement as Bishop of Truro was under way. The […]

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Plans to transform the Anglican church’s mission in Cornwall receive a warm welcome from synod

Cornwall is a ripe field and one that is ready to be harvested, members of Diocesan Synod heard on Saturday, as plans for the Transforming Mission project were outlined. Consultant […]

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Diocesan Synod approves 2018 budget

Diocesan Synod today (Saturday, September 9) unanimously approved the budget for 2018. The budget for next year is based on there being no increase in Mission and Ministry Fund (MMF), […]

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Suicide isn’t painless

It’s devastating, no matter how sweetly the lyrics of the MASH theme tune were sung. Revd Simon Cade, Director of Education and Discipleship at Truro Diocese, likens suicide to a […]

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“Fundraising isn’t about money, it’s about getting people involved,” and then it works.

Running through Lillian Quinn, like the writing in a stick of rock, is the belief that “Problems are made to be overcome.” Finding solutions has been Lillian’s life work, from […]

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Family at the heart of Sclerder Abbey’s Festival

The sun shone for Sclerder Abbey’s Family Festival last Saturday, an answer to a prayer that began many months ago when the event was first planned. Apart from sunshine, the […]

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Ensuring that children and young people as well as adults are kept safe whilst in our care in an integral part of our diocese life.